Insulation and Home Improvement Installers
Insulation and Home Improvement Installers install a variety of insulation materials to improve resistance to heat, cold, air, sound and moisture, and install functional and decorative home improvements.
- The Job
- The Facts
- Related Courses
What the job involves
- Examining plans, specifications and work sites to determine the type and quality of installations required and their location
- Preparing site for insulation and installation of fittings by nailing up furring, drilling holes for screws and bolts, and erecting scaffolding and ladders
- Gluing blocks and slabs of foamed plastic and cork to walls
- Operating equipment to blow and spray mineral wool, fibre fill and foam insulation material into cavities
- Cutting insulation material to size and shape, and nailing and stapling batt-type insulation to joists, studs and furring
- Measuring, cutting and applying solar control film to windows
- Fitting awnings, security screens, shower screens, prefabricated windows and doors, exterior cladding and other home improvements using hand tools
- Drilling holes in wood, brick, stone and fibrous structures, and bolting, screwing and nailing fittings into place
- Attaching and adjusting mechanical fittings such as cranks, locks and pull-cords
- Installing flashing and waterproofing to fittings such as shower screens and prefabricated windows and doors
Key values of workers in Insulation and Home Improvement Installers
Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to provide service to others and work with co-workers in a friendly non-competitive environment. Corresponding needs are Co-workers, Moral Values and Social Service.
Occupations that satisfy this work value allow employees to work on their own and make decisions. Corresponding needs are Creativity, Responsibility and Autonomy.
Occupations that satisfy this work value are results oriented and allow employees to use their strongest abilities, giving them a feeling of accomplishment. Corresponding needs are Ability Utilization and Achievement.
Working Conditions
Occupations that satisfy this work value offer job security and good working conditions. Corresponding needs are Activity, Compensation, Independence, Security, Variety and Working Conditions.
Occupations that satisfy this work value offer advancement, potential for leadership, and are often considered prestigious. Corresponding needs are Advancement, Authority, Recognition and Social Status.
Top skills required for workers in Insulation and Home Improvement Installers
Talking to others to convey information effectively.
Critical Thinking
Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to problems.
Operation and Control
Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.